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Change your life forever.
With a $125 donation - You’ll receive the entirety of The Sister Project curriculum in our eight week course

Enjoy 8 two-hour weekly sessions (7-9pm on Tuesday nights 2/25-4/22 with 3/11 & 3/18 off for Spring break)
Learn the science of how your brain works as well as the process of consciously retraining it.
Receive powerful tools for emotional resilience.
Discover the mission that God wants you to fulfill.
Recognize that you are not alone as you bond with other women.
Feel Joy again even as you continue to navigate painful situations.
Schedule a free faith-based coaching session with one of our trained life coaches
we can't wait to meet you!
If you found us, it was meant to be.
Please fill out this little registration form to join us.
If you are purchasing as a gift, please check the box and fill out as much of the participant info as possible. If you don't have the info yet and want to surprise them, we can get their contact info later!

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